Preparing your sample at home
We prefer you to prepare your envelope / stamp / postcard at home before sending us the portion we test. This removes the need for us to return the remaining item to you, saving you on postage and handling costs.
Please do not undertake this process until you have forwarded us a photograph front and back of your item and we have agreed to accept your order.
In the case of more than one order, please make a note on the paper bag in which you forward the item of the order number, and postmark date or other identifying feature of your sample, so we can correlate the portion you send us to your order.
step 1
Wear rubber gloves as in the photo and use clean scissors on a clean surface. Rub your gloved hands, scissors and surface area with isopropyl alcohol if possible.
Cut out the full flap area (or stamp/s, if we have agreed with you that the stamp/s will be used).
step 3
Place the flap / stamp into a paper bag and send to us following the instructions on our buy page. Note the order number and any identifying feature/s of the item on the paper bag e.g. postmark date, address name, or similar.
We will decontaminate the surface of the item you send us to remove any DNA from yourself or others who may have touched the item. Nevertheless, it is important to take care to keep the item clean, and avoid touching the item with bare hands.